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What is Pregnancy? What are the symptoms?

Pregnancy is a marathon that lasts approximately 40 weeks. In terms of months, it is expressed as 9 months, 10 days. The onset of pregnancy is also the first day of the menstrual cycle at conception. For this reason, in the first week of pregnancy, the expectant mother is not actually pregnant.

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Pregnancy Tracking in 10 Questions

Pregnancy follow-up is the examinations carried out to evaluate the condition of the mother and baby, to inform the mother and father, to prevent problems that may occur with the mother and the baby, or to detect these problems during the process from the first pregnancy to the completion of the birth.

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Stretch Marks in the Body During Pregnancy

Especially in pregnancy; Cracks may occur in the whole body, especially in the abdomen, chest, thigh, waist and hip regions.

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What are the Tests Performed During Pregnancy?

During pregnancy, the baby settles in the uterus, develops there, and eventually birth takes place. During pregnancy, various laboratory tests are applied to ensure that everything continues in a healthy way.

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Pregnancy Tracking

Pregnancy follow-up is the examinations carried out to evaluate the condition of the mother and baby from the beginning of pregnancy to postpartum, to inform the parents, to prevent or detect possible problems with the mother and the baby. It is better to start these examinations before the pregnancy occurs when the couples are planning pregnancy because in this case, the presence of a pregnancy-related or other problem in the mother is investigated before pregnancy, vitamins and other drugs are given to prepare for pregnancy, if necessary, the family is informed about the pregnancy, so that the mother can start the pregnancy in the most healthy way. is provided.

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Genetic Screening During Pregnancy

Under what conditions is genetic screening required during pregnancy? Some expectant mothers want to know before birth whether their baby is normal or not. Some pregnant women do not want tests during pregnancy, as they will not allow the pregnancy to be terminated even if there is an abnormality in the babies.

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Urban Myths About Methods to Facilitate Conceiving

The most important desire of women who plan pregnancy is to achieve results in a short time. As time goes on, their morale deteriorates and they worry if there is a problem. Most of the time, he enters expectations with hearsay information. Here are some urban legends that you think make conceiving easier, but that don't make any medical sense.

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Nonstress Test (NST)

One of the easiest and most harmless ways to understand whether the baby in the womb is okay is the nonstress test (NST).

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Dual Screening Test

It is also known as double screening test, double test, first trimester screening test, 11-14 week screening test or double test. It is also referred to as "double screening test" in English.

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Triple Screening Test

One of the biggest fears of a pregnant woman, especially a woman who becomes pregnant at a late age, is that her baby will be born with one of the abnormalities such as Down syndrome, Edward's syndrome or neuropathic diseases. Thanks to the developing medicine and rapidly advancing technology, possible problems can be detected in advance even when the baby is in the womb. Now what is triple screening test? When and how is it done? We will seek answers to questions such as…

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Cervical Insufficiency

The cervix, known as the cervix, or more commonly the cervix, is a narrow canal located just below the uterus and opens into the vagina. In other words, the cervix creates a connection between the uterus and the vagina. The cervix is surrounded by a kind of intelligent epithelial cells. Thanks to these cells, mucus is produced, the content of which changes throughout the menstrual cycle, while at the same time, a protective shield is formed during the passage of sperm.

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Pregnancy Period

Pregnancy is an important period in a woman's life. It is a process that needs to be followed well and sometimes treated in terms of both maternal and infant health. The pregnancy period begins with the date of the last menstrual period and ends with the birth. However, in terms of maternal health, the 6-week period after birth, which is called puerperium among the people, should be added to the pregnancy period. The gestational age is determined according to the last menstrual period and is calculated as 7-day, weekly progress. The term of an expired pregnancy is 40 weeks or 280 days. Since every 4 weeks is mistakenly considered as 1 month, it can be understood as if it takes 10 months. Again, when we calculate 9 months and 15 days among the people, it actually equals 40 weeks. Another wrong calculation is that the day on which pregnancy is predicted is considered as the beginning. During pregnancy, a baby in the womb is called a fetus.

Pregnancy Periods

Pregnancy period is divided into 3 periods of 12 weeks each by us physicians. The reason for making this partition is because each pregnancy period has its own characteristics and problems.

These periods are called trimesters. There are three trimesters.

  • Trimester: first 12 weeks
  • Trimester Week 13 to Week 24
  • Trimester is the period from 25th week to birth.
    • In the third trimester, there is a transition from embryonic life to fetal development. This is the stage in which organs develop and the fetus takes the human form. After the eighth week, he can start moving. Fetus is about 6 cm long
    • In the third trimester, the growth of the developing organs begins. Fetal movements are felt by the mother. Gender becomes apparent from the outside. The length of the fetus reaches 30 cm.
    • In the trimester, the organs continue to grow and enter the maturation phase where they will gain their full functions. In this period, even preterm fetuses become able to live in the external environment when suitable conditions are provided. After the 36th week, the lungs of the fetus mature and come to the function of breathing. The fetus has grown to 50 cm in length.

How does a baby breathe in the womb?

In fact, the fetus does not breathe in the womb. There is amniotic fluid, which is like a protective shield around the fetus. The fetus floats in this fluid (water bladder). It gets its oxygen need from the blood from the mother. The mother's blood passes through the placenta and then to the fetus with the baby tie (cord). The blood coming from the umbilical cord meets all the oxygen needs of the fetus. The blood that also passes through the kidneys is filtered and becomes urine. This urinating fetus forms amniotic fluid. The fetus is constantly swallowing amniotic fluid, and this fluid is absorbed from the stomach, mixed with the blood again, and then emptied into the bladder through the kidneys and urine.

In other words, babies swim in the urine they make. The amniotic fluid also indirectly shows the fetus whether there is good blood flow from the mother. Decreased water bladder may also be due to other reasons. On the contrary, in cases where the amniotic fluid is excessive, the presence of diabetes or other neurological problems is suspected.

Pregnancy involves complex mechanisms including many physiological and immune systems.