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Recurrent Pregnancy Loss

Recurrent pregnancy losses or “Habituel abortus” in the medical literature or “Repeated abortions” in old Turkish; It is the name given to spontaneous abortions that occur at least twice in a row in the first trimester of pregnancy.

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The Risks of Fibroids During Pregnancy

Almost one in three women over the age of 35 have fibroids that can be detected by examination or ultrasound. Fibroids are the most common tumors in the female genital organs. Although the tumor is dangerous in most people, the aforementioned fibroids are generally benign and harmless. We can say that they are small vesicles formed in the body.

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Pregnancy and the Immune System

Research on pregnancy and the immune system Research focuses on the immune system in pregnancy control. However, viruses and bacteria can completely crash the immune system, sometimes with dire consequences. During pregnancy, the mother's immune system is in constant flux.

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What is Cholestasis? Take Pregnancy Itches Seriously

In most pregnancies, skin itching or even rashes occur, and most of the complaints are non-serious skin reactions due to pregnancy. It is a condition that does not harm the baby or the mother on its own, with insomnia and constant itching. Pregnancy-related cholestasis, on the other hand, is a dangerous situation for both mother and baby. As a physician, we must make the differential diagnosis.

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Pregnancy-Related Diabetes

Diabetes mellitus (diabetes) is a condition characterized by higher-than-normal sugar levels in the blood. Some women have diabetes before becoming pregnant, this is called pregastational diabetes. In some women, high blood sugar starts for the first time during pregnancy, this is called gestational diabetes. It is estimated that one out of every 200 pregnancies has pregestational diabetes, and in addition, 5 out of every 200 pregnant women develop gestational DM (diabetes during the course of pregnancy).

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Sugar Rise During Pregnancy

Gestational diabetes (sugar elevation during pregnancy, gestational diabetes) is mostly a temporary condition. Normally, the carbohydrates we take from food are digested and pass into the blood as sugar (glucose) and are used by our cells as energy. When you consume a carbohydrate-containing food, a hormone called insulin is produced by the pancreatic organ. The duty of the insulin hormone secreted by the pancreas is to keep the sugar level in the blood balanced by introducing the glucose obtained from the food into the cell.

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What Week of Pregnancy Is Cesarean Section Performed?

Although the cesarean section can be done depending on the person's request, it is the first option in some dangerous situations. Possible danger situation; It covers the complications that prevent normal birth in terms of the health of the mother and baby. Although the methods are different, it is aimed to successfully give birth by determining the most suitable method for the health of the mother and the baby.

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Cesarean Birth Stitches

Thanks to the possibilities of today's technology, cesarean section operations have become extremely reliable and easy-to-apply operations as a result of the improvement of cesarean section sutures, the presence of antibiotics resistant to infection problems, the advancement of suture materials and surgical techniques used in the surgery.

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Blood Pressure During Pregnancy

Why is blood pressure an important issue during pregnancy? Blood pressure refers to the blood pressure inside the arteries. In order for the blood to flow in the vein, it must have a certain pressure. Some women have high blood pressure before pregnancy; Even if there is no risk before pregnancy, high blood pressure in pregnancy is an important issue.

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What is Epidural Anesthesia?

Epidural anesthesia is the combination of cesarean delivery and normal birth, to briefly explain the painless birth as it is known among the people. By using special regional anesthesia instead of general anesthesia in cesarean delivery, the pain is reduced so that it is not felt, but the baby is born in normal ways. In other words, the baby is not taken from the incision in the abdomen as in cesarean section.

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Early Birth

There may be cases where the 40-week pregnancy process results in premature birth due to various reasons. The way to prevent premature birth, which can put the baby's health at risk, is to not interrupt regular health checks from the first days of pregnancy.

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Pregnancy Period

Pregnancy is an important period in a woman's life. It is a process that needs to be followed well and sometimes treated in terms of both maternal and infant health. The pregnancy period begins with the date of the last menstrual period and ends with the birth. However, in terms of maternal health, the 6-week period after birth, which is called puerperium among the people, should be added to the pregnancy period. The gestational age is determined according to the last menstrual period and is calculated as 7-day, weekly progress. The term of an expired pregnancy is 40 weeks or 280 days. Since every 4 weeks is mistakenly considered as 1 month, it can be understood as if it takes 10 months. Again, when we calculate 9 months and 15 days among the people, it actually equals 40 weeks. Another wrong calculation is that the day on which pregnancy is predicted is considered as the beginning. During pregnancy, a baby in the womb is called a fetus.

Pregnancy Periods

Pregnancy period is divided into 3 periods of 12 weeks each by us physicians. The reason for making this partition is because each pregnancy period has its own characteristics and problems.

These periods are called trimesters. There are three trimesters.

  • Trimester: first 12 weeks
  • Trimester Week 13 to Week 24
  • Trimester is the period from 25th week to birth.
    • In the third trimester, there is a transition from embryonic life to fetal development. This is the stage in which organs develop and the fetus takes the human form. After the eighth week, he can start moving. Fetus is about 6 cm long
    • In the third trimester, the growth of the developing organs begins. Fetal movements are felt by the mother. Gender becomes apparent from the outside. The length of the fetus reaches 30 cm.
    • In the trimester, the organs continue to grow and enter the maturation phase where they will gain their full functions. In this period, even preterm fetuses become able to live in the external environment when suitable conditions are provided. After the 36th week, the lungs of the fetus mature and come to the function of breathing. The fetus has grown to 50 cm in length.

How does a baby breathe in the womb?

In fact, the fetus does not breathe in the womb. There is amniotic fluid, which is like a protective shield around the fetus. The fetus floats in this fluid (water bladder). It gets its oxygen need from the blood from the mother. The mother's blood passes through the placenta and then to the fetus with the baby tie (cord). The blood coming from the umbilical cord meets all the oxygen needs of the fetus. The blood that also passes through the kidneys is filtered and becomes urine. This urinating fetus forms amniotic fluid. The fetus is constantly swallowing amniotic fluid, and this fluid is absorbed from the stomach, mixed with the blood again, and then emptied into the bladder through the kidneys and urine.

In other words, babies swim in the urine they make. The amniotic fluid also indirectly shows the fetus whether there is good blood flow from the mother. Decreased water bladder may also be due to other reasons. On the contrary, in cases where the amniotic fluid is excessive, the presence of diabetes or other neurological problems is suspected.

Pregnancy involves complex mechanisms including many physiological and immune systems.