Nonstress Test (NST)

One of the easiest and most harmless ways to understand whether the baby in the womb is okay is the nonstress test (NST).

Prof. Dr. Ulun ULUĞ
Written by Prof. Dr. Ulun ULUĞ. 0 comments 7779 views

What is Nonstress Test (NST), what are the risks, why and how is it done?

It is important to monitor the health status of the expectant mother during pregnancy. However, the health status of the baby is also important and is checked by physicians at certain periods. In our news about the nonstress test (NST), which is done to learn the health status of the baby closely; Why is NST done, when and how is nonstress testing done? We will give answers to the questions that pregnant mothers are most curious about, such as…

What is nonstress testing (NST)?

A nonstress test (NST), also known as a fetal heart rate check, is a common prenatal test used to check the baby's health. During a nonstress test, the baby's heart rate is monitored to see how the baby responds to his movements. The term nonstress refers to the fact that nothing is done during testing to place stress on the fetus. The test records your baby's movement, heartbeat, and contractions. The NST can reassure you that your baby is healthy and getting enough oxygen. This is called a nonstress test. The test does not disturb your baby, there is no physical risk. Your doctor does not use medicine to move your baby. NST records what your baby does naturally.

When is it done?

Typically, a nonstress test is recommended if the fetus is considered to be at risk of death. A nonstress test can be done after 26 to 28 weeks of pregnancy. Some nonstress test results may indicate that you and your baby need more monitoring, testing, or special care.

Why is it done?

The nonstress test is used to assess the health of the baby before birth. The purpose of the nonstress test is to provide useful information by checking your baby's oxygen level, heart rate, and how he responds to your baby's movement. The test may indicate the need for further monitoring, testing, treatment or delivery to prevent fetal death.

Normally, a baby's heart beats faster when the pregnancy is active. However, such as fetal hypoxia (not getting enough oxygen) can disrupt this process.

Your healthcare provider may recommend a nonstress test if:

– Multiple pregnancy with certain complications

– Type 1 diabetes is an underlying medical condition such as heart disease or high blood pressure during pregnancy.

– A prolonged pregnancy two weeks before your due date (postterm pregnancy)

– History of complications in previous pregnancy

– A baby with reduced fetal movements or fetal growth problems

– Rh (rhesus) sensitization; It is a potentially serious condition that can typically occur during a second or subsequent pregnancy, when your red cell antigen blood type is Rh negative and your baby's blood type is Rh positive.

– Low amniotic fluid (oligohydramnios)

Your doctor may recommend that you have a nonstress test once or twice a week (and sometimes daily) depending on the health of you and your baby. For example, if your doctor suspects that your baby is at risk of getting enough oxygen, you may also need another nonstress test if you or your baby have any health-related changes.

How is it done?

It is recommended that you eat just before the test, as it is hoped that the food will encourage the baby to move more. But while there's no conclusive proof that it works, it's not a nuisance either. It would be good for you to take care of your toilet needs right before the test, because you may have to be connected to the monitor for up to an hour. The test is performed in a semi-sitting position or lying on the left side. In fact, the left lateral position promotes circulation and digestion. It should be the preferred position during pregnancy.

During the procedure, a technician attaches two sensors to your navel: one monitors your baby's heartbeat and movements; the other is contractions in your uterus. While your contractions are recorded on paper, the technician listens and monitors your baby's heartbeat on an electronic display.

If your baby isn't moving, he's probably sleeping. You may be asked to drink some water, juice or soda to wake your baby up, or the technician may try to wake your baby with a ringing ring. In some cases, you will be asked to press the button when you feel the baby move. The test usually takes 20 to 60 minutes.

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