Pregnancy Tracking in 10 Questions

Pregnancy follow-up is the examinations carried out to evaluate the condition of the mother and baby, to inform the mother and father, to prevent problems that may occur with the mother and the baby, or to detect these problems during the process from the first pregnancy to the completion of the birth.

Prof. Dr. Ulun ULUĞ
Written by Prof. Dr. Ulun ULUĞ. 0 comments 8040 views

What is pregnancy tracking?

It is better to start these examinations as soon as the couples are planning a pregnancy before the pregnancy is achieved. The reason for this is, in this case, before the pregnancy period, it is investigated whether the expectant mother has any problems related to pregnancy or any other issue. Vitamins and other medicines are given if needed to prepare for the pregnancy period. By raising awareness of the family about pregnancy, it is ensured that the expectant mother takes the most healthy step towards pregnancy.

What is the importance of pregnancy follow-up?

Pregnancy is a way of life that changes the life of the expectant mother as it is, and there is a life of 2 people in one body. Pregnancy follow-up is very important in order to pass this period in the most efficient way for both mother and baby. Couples should be followed up with the initiation of unprotected intercourse upon their desire to have children. The issues that will constitute the subject of follow-up in this step are the physical preparation of the woman for the pregnancy period and the provision of physiological conditions for pregnancy. The doctor makes some evaluations for the expectant mother who has decided to become pregnant. In addition to vitamin capsules containing folic acid, it can also offer some suggestions that can benefit the whole body. It is necessary to stay away from existing bad habits and make a transition to a better quality life.

What are the elements of pregnancy follow-up?

The main purpose of the follow-up before the birth is to ensure that the baby is healthy together with the mother. For this purpose, too:

  • Determining the general health status of the mother and her baby,
  • Determining the week of pregnancy of the baby,
  • Identifying the pregnancy at risk in terms of possible dangers and minimizing these risk factors,
  • Anticipating problems before they occur and preventing them as much as possible
  • It is aimed to inform prospective mothers and fathers about this issue.

Traditionally, what should be the duration and frequency of pregnancy follow-up?

  • First examination: 6-8 days after menstrual delay. between weeks
  • Monthly examination : Up to 28 weeks
  • Twice monthly examination : Up to 36 weeks
  • Weekly examination: From 36 weeks to birth

What tests should be done in pregnancy follow-up?

The expectant mother should make her first application to the gynecologist in the early period from the moment the pregnancy is detected. In the first application, a number of laboratory analyzes may be requested from each mother-to-be. These examinations are:

  • ultrasonography,
  • complete blood count,
  • blood group test,
  • rubella and hepatitis B screening,
  • urine test,
  • urine culture,
  • pap test.

Doctor check-ups after the tests are carried out every 4 to 5 weeks until the 28th week of pregnancy, every 2 weeks between the 28th and 36th weeks, and then weekly.

What are the tests and follow-ups done between the 16th and 18th weeks of pregnancy?

Between the 16th and 18th weeks of the pregnancy period, the hormone called alphafetoprotein in the blood is examined for the purpose of detailed ultrasonography and scanning of the bone development around the baby's spinal cord due to phthalanoma screening. Also, between these weeks, a blood test called the triple test is done to screen for DOWN syndrome (mongolism). For DOWN syndrome, risk is determined as a result of a risk according to age and triple test. If the risk is above a certain rate, it is recommended to take water from the pregnancy sac (amniocentesis). Amniocentesis is recommended directly in pregnancies after the age of 35, as the risk of DOWN syndrome may be encountered. Amniocentesis has only one risk and that is a miscarriage. This probability is seen around 1% or 2%.

What are the tests and follow-ups between the 24th and 28th weeks of pregnancy?

Every expectant mother is screened for hidden sugar. For this, the expectant mother is given a sugar solution equal to 50 g of glucose on a full stomach. In cases where the ratio of the value obtained after 1 hour is high, full sugar loading is applied to the expectant mother. In addition, full sugar loading can be done directly in the family, in first-degree relatives with diabetes, in those with a history of fetal loss and in those who have had a large baby before.

What are the tests and follow-ups between the 28th and 32nd weeks of pregnancy?

The expectant mother is asked to perform a repeat blood count and urine culture. In case of blood incompatibility (mother Rh-, father RH+), the required blood test is performed again during the controls.

What are the situations that need special attention in the last 3 months?

  • Contractions that start every 10 minutes on a regular basis and get shorter and increase in intensity as time passes,
  • In case of watering (whether there is pain or not),
  • vaginal bleeding
  • If the baby's movements decrease or stop, it is recommended to contact the doctor immediately.

What are the issues that will be important in pregnancy follow-up in the 9th month of pregnancy?

  • The arrival of water starts the birth and it is necessary to go to the emergency hospital,
  • Experiencing vaginal bleeding is a harbinger of the onset of labor. You should go to the hospital immediately,
  • Pain that is not false and comes in a certain order is a harbinger of birth. However, if the range of pain decreases with each passing time, it is necessary to go to the hospital urgently,
  • If the baby's movements are not felt, it should be checked in the same way.

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Gynecology, In Vitro Fertilization, Pregnancy and Reproductive Immunology pages.

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