What are the Tests Performed During Pregnancy?

During pregnancy, the baby settles in the uterus, develops there, and eventually birth takes place. During pregnancy, various laboratory tests are applied to ensure that everything continues in a healthy way.

Prof. Dr. Ulun ULUĞ
Written by Prof. Dr. Ulun ULUĞ. 0 comments 8058 views

Thanks to these tests, it can be determined whether there are any problems with the pregnancy and various precautions can be taken. Some of the tests to be done should be done before pregnancy develops. However, if pregnancy has taken place, what the expectant mother should know at this point is that some tests should be done on time. Unfortunately, overdue tests cannot be performed at any time during pregnancy.

Tests done during pregnancy

The first test done during pregnancy is the pregnancy test. With this test, pregnancy can be determined. Fertilization usually occurs in the middle of the menstrual cycle. Pregnancy tests can give results 2 weeks after fertilization.

Routine tests during pregnancy

  • Blood group
  • Hemoglobin, or complete blood count, for the detection of anemia, anemia
  • Test for sugar or protein in the urine
  • Tests for infections in the mother-to-be that may affect the baby, such as hepatitis B, syphilis, and HIV.
  • Immune system research for rubella

Apart from these tests, there are also tests applied. These are:

11-20th of pregnancy. Various special blood tests should be done between the weeks of pregnancy. The levels of different chemicals in the mother's blood can lead to various risks for pregnancy. These risks can be counted as Down syndrome, spina bifida. These problems can be detected in the tests performed.

The different tests performed help determine the levels of hormones and proteins in the mother's blood and can be screened.

In cases where HCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) and AFP (alpha fetoprotein) are used in the screening tests, it is called a double test, if estriol is added to this test, it is called a triple test, and if inhibin A is added, it is called a quad test. The double test is between the 11th and 14th days of pregnancy. The triple test or quadruple test is done between the 16th and 19th weeks of pregnancy.

Tests applied during pregnancy other than blood tests

Tests and examinations performed for diagnostic purposes during pregnancy are:


In this method, how much the pregnancy has grown, how much it has developed and many other factors can be determined.

Ultrasonography is applied throughout pregnancy. Ultrasonography is performed in detail between the 18th and 23rd weeks of pregnancy. In this way, the organs and systems of pregnancy are investigated. In detailed ultrasonography, the liquid in which the baby is swimming, the urinary bladder, stomach, the condition of the placenta, and whether there is any structural abnormality in the baby can be determined. However, chromosomal problems such as Down syndrome may not be detected by ultrasonography.

Nape thickness measurement:

The nuchal translucency is measured between the 11th and 14th weeks of pregnancy. The purpose of this test is to determine if the baby has any Down syndrome. Nape thickness of babies is measured by ultrasonography. Babies with Down syndrome have high nuchal thickness. For this reason, testing is required. If this thickness is found to be excessive, amniocentesis is recommended to the patient.

Amniocentesis and cordocentesis:

Both of these methods are applied by taking some liquid from the liquid in which the baby is swimming, or blood from the umbilical cord, by investigating the baby with ultrasonography. Amniocentesis 15-19 of pregnancy. It is applied between weeks. Genetic research of pregnancy is done from skin cells in the liquid. The result of this test comes out within 1 month, there is a 0.5-1% risk of miscarriage in practice.

If this test is:

  • For older patients,
  • It is applied to patients with a genetic disorder in their baby.

Cordocentesis 18-22 of pregnancy. done between weeks. The risk of miscarriage is relatively higher than amniocentesis.

Chorionic villus sampling:

This method is mostly used between 10-12 weeks of pregnancy. done between weeks. The results of the test are available in a few days. However, the results are not as clear as amniocentesis. The risk of miscarriage is 1-2%.

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