Who is Blastocyst Transfer Applied to?

Prof. Dr. Ulun ULUĞ
Written by Prof. Dr. Ulun ULUĞ. 0 comments 8064 views

What are the advantages of blastocyst transfer?

  • Embryos are kept until day 5. For this reason, better quality and healthy cells are formed.
  • Since the growth is higher, the chance of holding onto the mother's womb is higher.
  • Does not pose any risk for multiple pregnancy
  • With blastocyst transfer in IVF treatments, women with a higher risk of OHSS have a chance to have a baby.

What are the requirements for understanding blastocyst quality?

  • The rate of division in a fertilized cell (embryo)
  • wastes between these cells
  • Embryo size
  • Factors such as the number of cells provide an understanding of the quality of the blastocyst.
  • Factors such as differences in cell division rates and cell sizes of embryos are taken into account and meticulously investigated. In this way, the highest quality cell blastocyst is detected.

When is a pregnancy test done after blastocyst transfer?

Just like in embryo transfer, the result of the treatment can be determined by performing a pregnancy test 12 days after the blastocyst transfer.

What are the risks of blastocyst transfer?

When the cells are followed up to the 5th day, it is possible that no embryo will reach this stage and the transfer will not take place, although it is rare. However, even if an embryo that has not developed until the 5th day is transferred on the 3rd day, it is possible that pregnancy does not occur.

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