What is endometrial polyp (uterus polyp)?

In the uterine layer, the folds that extend in the form of hillocks, grapes or sometimes rods are called polyps. Polyps look like moles on our skin, but they are colorless.

Prof. Dr. Ulun ULUĞ
Written by Prof. Dr. Ulun ULUĞ. 0 comments 7713 views

What is a uterine polyp?

Their length is between 3mm and 20mm. Very small ones may sometimes go undetected. Polyps are usually benign. The risk of conversion to malignant cancer is less than 1%. However, depending on age, polyps in the postmenopausal period can be risky.

Uterine polyps are usually silent. They do not cause complaints. Depending on their size, they cause prolonged menstrual bleeding, intermittent bleeding after menstruation, and sometimes brown discharge. Most polyps are diagnosed with ultrasound during routine gynecological checkups of women. Sometimes polyps can be multiple. Small polyps that do not cause complaints are followed, and they do not need to be surgically removed in young women.

Rahim Polip

Uterine polyp and infertility relationship

Endometrial polyps or uterine polyps do not always prevent pregnancy. Especially polyps less than 7 mm in length do not have a negative effect on conception. The mechanisms by which polyps prevent conception are diverse. First, polyps in the uterus can act like a spiral and prevent the embryo from implanting in the uterus. On the other hand, some growth factors secreted incompletely cause a decrease in the chance of implantation of the embryo by piercing the uterine layer. In addition, polyps that block the exit of the cervix prevent the sperm from entering the uterus and fertilizing the egg.

Should all uterine polyps be removed?

It is not necessary to remove polyps up to 7 mm in size in patients who do not cause complaints and are considering pregnancy. However, surgical removal is recommended for women with recurrent treatment failures and large polyps.

Uterine polyp surgery is done by endoscopic method. With the operation we call hysteroscopy, the uterus is entered with an optical instrument with a camera, and both observation and operation are performed. During hysteroscopy, fluid is given for better visualization of the uterus. There is no need to stay in the hospital for hysteroscopy, which is a 15-minute procedure. In patients who have had hysteroscopic polyp surgery, polyps may occur again after time has passed. Usually, the newly developed polyp originates from a different part of the uterus.

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