What Are the Tests Infertility?

Analysis and Tests in Infertility; In vitro fertilization treatment methods are a process that starts with addressing the problems that cause the inability of couples to have children.

Prof. Dr. Ulun ULUĞ
Written by Prof. Dr. Ulun ULUĞ. 0 comments 8112 views

The integrity of the factors affecting the inability of couples to have children is examined under the name of infertility. Couples should be investigated in detail and subjected to some tests in order to determine from whom this situation originates, why it is caused and which treatment path will be followed. As a result of these tests, the required application and treatment stages are determined and it is aimed to realize a successful IVF treatment.

The tests applied for the infertility problem consist of comprehensive analyzes performed separately on the reproductive cells of women and men. In order to investigate the cause of the male-related problem, first of all, sperm test and urological examination by a urologist should be performed. In women, firstly, pelvic examination, ultrasonography, then hormone tests showing ovarian functions, ovarian reserve tests, uterine film, saline infusion sonography, and finally hysteroscopy and laparoscopy, if necessary, are performed.

While the causes of male infertility are more clear and identifiable, the investigation of female infertility causes needs to be addressed more comprehensively because it is due to the more complex structure of the female body. It is possible to detect this by performing Infertility Analyzes and Tests.

Analyzes and Tests in Infertility can be listed as follows;

Pelvic examination and ultrasonography

It is the first procedure to evaluate infertility. The presence of uterine fibroids, cysts or similar pelvic pathology is investigated. Congenital uterine anomalies or the presence of a septum in the uterus can be detected by ultrasonography. Follicle growth and the presence of ovulation can also be followed by ultrasonography.

Hormone assays

On the 3rd day of the menstrual period, ovarian characteristics and status, estrogen hormone tests (FHS hormone, estrogen hormone assays) should be done. These tests give very important information about the woman's ovarian capacity and the chance of being pregnant. If there is a situation such as milk coming from the breasts, prolactin hormone (milk hormone) and thyroid hormone are also examined. By measuring the progesterone hormone on the 21st day of the menstrual period, detailed information about whether ovulation occurs or not can be obtained.

Evaluation of ovarian capacity

These tests are tests that give detailed information about the hormone production and ovulation capacity of the woman's ovaries. It also contains important information about the success and planning of the treatment.

Saline infusion sonography (SIS)

Ultrasound is the procedure by injecting fluid into the uterus with a thin cannula from the vagina. With this fluid, since the uterus will expand, fibroids, polyps and similar pathologies in the inner wall of the uterus can be observed more easily. HSG and SIS are tests that give information about the pathologies in the uterus.


It is a system that allows the problems arising from the structure of the uterus to be determined clearly, and the inside of the uterus is viewed with a camera. It is used for the observation and treatment of pathologies in the uterus. Polyps and fibroids in the uterus can be removed by hysteroscopy. Hysteroscopy is not a procedure that should be performed in every infertility patient. Usually, hysteroscopy is performed when a pathology is detected in the fog and uterine film . If fog and uterine film are normal, hysteroscopy is not needed.


Laparoscopy is one of the most reliable methods used for the evaluation and evaluation of clogged tubes belonging to women, which is one of the causes of infertility. It is also used for the treatment of detected cysts or similar pathologies. It is not a procedure that should be done to every patient with infertility. However, if there is a pathology resembling a cyst or if the tubes are seen as closed in the uterine film, then it should be done. It is understood by laparoscopy that some of the tubes, which are observed as blocked in the uterine film, are actually open. During the laparoscopy procedure, it is also seen whether the tubes are open with the blue dye given into the tube. Adhesions around the tubes can also be opened by laparoscopy.

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