What are the Differences Between IVF and Normal Pregnancy?

In IVF treatment, reproductive cells taken from men and women are combined and fertilized in a laboratory outside the body. In vitro fertilization is a medical aid applied to couples who conceive through normal means.

Prof. Dr. Ulun ULUĞ
Written by Prof. Dr. Ulun ULUĞ. 0 comments 8115 views

What is IVF treatment?

Today, in vitro fertilization treatments are one of the most important areas where technological developments are felt the most and developing and progressing day by day. As a result of many couples needing IVF treatment and having children with this method, the curiosity about this treatment has increased.

In IVF treatment, drug therapy is first initiated to develop the ovaries of the expectant mother. Then, the eggs that have reached sufficient maturity are collected. In the meantime, a sperm sample is taken from the father-to-be. These two reproductive cells supplied are kept and fertilized in a laboratory environment, under special conditions. Embryos formed as a result of this fertilization are transferred to the uterus of the expectant mother and pregnancy is expected. During the treatment period, the female candidate does not stay in the hospital. After the examination and treatment, he can go home.

Couples who will undergo treatment; They are people who have had unprotected and regular sexual intercourse for a year but have not been able to conceive. However, this situation should be perceived just like the flu or a different disease. It is a treatable problem. Today, nearly 80% of the problems are solved with infertility treatments. At this point, what couples should know is between IVF and normal pregnancies; There is no difference after conception. The only one among them is the various methods applied to the couple undergoing IVF treatment for the formation of pregnancy.

What are the stages in IVF treatment?

  • egg development,
  • Collection of eggs with sufficient maturity,
  • Fertilization of eggs with sperm
  • Embryo development from fertilized eggs,
  • Embryo transfer processes.

What are the differences between IVF and normal pregnancy?

In order for expectant mothers and fathers to have children naturally and for the expectant mother to become pregnant, both of the candidates should not have any health problems. Both candidates must have uneventful reproductive abilities.

At this point, the woman's tubes should be open, the egg reserves should be in good condition, there should be a suitable uterus for the pregnancy to settle, and there should be conditions such as regular menstruation.

For the male candidate; Factors such as sufficient quality and number of sperm cells, morphologically normal sperm cells, and the ability of sperm to leave the body must be present.

If these conditions are present, couples will most likely achieve pregnancy within a year if they have sexual intercourse.

Under normal conditions, pregnancy is expected within six months with a regular sexual intercourse. If pregnancy is not achieved, the couple must be evaluated by an expert. After investigating the factors mentioned, if infertility is diagnosed, in vitro fertilization treatment is started.

If pregnancy is achieved at this stage, there will be no difference from normal pregnancies. While one pregnancy has occurred with medical assistance, the other pregnancy does not need this intervention. There is no physical or neurological difference in babies born as a result of two pregnancies.

Are babies born with IVF treatment any different from normal babies?

The medical treatment and examinations and treatments applied during IVF are applied only for the fertilization of the egg cell and sperm cell and for the uterus to be ready for pregnancy.

Babies born by in vitro fertilization are no different from normal pregnancies. Embryos selected for IVF treatment are the best quality and best embryos. For this reason, it is not expected that there will be any difference between them and normal babies in terms of health.

You can visit our Youtube page to get fast and accurate information on personalized in vitro fertilization treatment, pregnancy follow-up, IVF, gynecology, drug use trainings, and many more .

Gynecology, In Vitro Fertilization, Pregnancy and Reproductive Immunology pages.

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