Success Rates in IVF Treatment

There are many different factors that affect the success rate of IVF treatment. First of all, the effects of the methods applied by the treatment center to the island, the success of baby care, and the experienced staff are very important.

Prof. Dr. Ulun ULUĞ
Written by Prof. Dr. Ulun ULUĞ. 0 comments 8102 views

Important factors affecting success

In order for IVF treatment to be successful, the success rate of fertilization-fertilization in the laboratory of the treatment center is under investigation. This rate should be around 80% and above for treatment centers. In vitro fertilization centers that achieve less than this rate should not be preferred for treatment.

Paying attention to the examination and appointment times given to the candidates also seriously affects the success of the treatment. During the IVF treatment, a number of important points recommended by the doctor also have an effect on success.

  • It is forbidden to have sexual intercourse 3 days before the IVF treatment and for 10 days after the treatment.
  • Environments that will adversely affect the treatment should be avoided.
  • Hot environments such as Turkish bath and sauna negatively affect both sperm and egg health.
  • Heavy exercises should also be stopped 3 months before the start of treatment.
  • Dieting is also dangerous for the expectant mother.

Another factor affecting the IVF success rate is biochemical pregnancy. Biochemical pregnancy, which is defined as a positive pregnancy test from blood, affects success by about 50%. The effect of pregnancies that can be visualized by ultrasound on the success rate of IVF is considered to be around 40%.

Success rates of IVF centers

The probability of a healthy couple achieving pregnancy within 1 month is around 20% to 25%. This chance can go up to about 40% to 50% for each application of assisted reproductive methods.

If it is necessary to give a ratio related to the success of the pregnancy rate;

  • azoospermia cells in the father -to-be, the success rate may vary between 0% and 20%.
  • The fact that the expectant mother has had several miscarriages before also reduces the probability of success to be achieved.
  • If both the mother is older and the father has azoospermia, the chance of success decreases from 0% to around 20%.

What are the factors affecting the success of IVF treatment?

Major factors related to patients
  • woman's age
  • Hormonal values (FSH, AMH) that determine ovarian reserve
  • Reason for IVF application (Single problem or multiple problems)
  • Number and quality of eggs, sperm and embryos
  • The state of the uterus where the embryos will attach and pregnancy will take place
Center related factors
  • Drugs used in the development of eggs and the way these drugs are given, dose
  • Experience and dexterity of the team (doctors, nurses, embryologists..) in the center where IVF treatment will be applied.
  • The day the embryos are transferred, the way they are transferred

What is the success rate of drug-free IVF treatment?

The success rate in drug-free IVF treatment is considered to be approximately 30%.

What is the success of expectant mothers who want IVF?

The success of IVF treatment shows a success rate of around 40% when all criteria are taken into account worldwide. However, treatment is not equally effective for everyone. Many factors such as the patient's health status, age, and weight are the factors that determine the success of IVF treatment.

How does the history of the mother-to-be affect the IVF success rate?

Apart from the situations just mentioned, one of the factors originating from the mother is having undergone a surgical operation related to the uterus. If a mother-to-be has previously undergone a surgical intervention to prevent uterine cancer or the emergence of a cyst, the desired response to IVF treatment may be at low rates, even if she is young, in relation to the decrease in egg reserves. In such cases, the success rate of IVF treatment varies between 5%.

Does IVF success rate differ in male infertility?

In infertility cases, which are mostly related to men, even if in vitro fertilization treatment is applied, the effect of the man on the success or failure of the baby is almost negligible. The age of the man or other factors do not have much effect on this situation.

You can visit our Youtube page to get fast and accurate information on personalized in vitro fertilization treatment, pregnancy follow-up, IVF, gynecology, drug use trainings, and many more .

Gynecology, In Vitro Fertilization, Pregnancy and Reproductive Immunology pages.

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