Recurrent IVF failures

The most important way to achieve success in cases of recurrent IVF failures; It is to investigate and find the cause of failure very well and to produce the solution. With the developing technology, recurrent IVF failures are greatly reduced.

Prof. Dr. Ulun ULUĞ
Written by Prof. Dr. Ulun ULUĞ. 0 comments 6090 views

After each negative IVF attempt, couples experience great stress and sadness. For this reason, in order for the next treatment to be successful, you should research the doctor and center you will choose very well. Because one of the most important reasons for recurrent IVF failures is not keeping up with the developing technology.

Thanks to the advancing modern techniques, the situation can result in the opposite direction in these failures.

Failure to achieve pregnancy despite the transfer of good quality embryos in 3 previous IVF applications. Or, failure to conceive even though 10 or more embryos are transferred in total is called 'Recurrent IVF failures'. 

What are the Causes of Recurrent IVF Failures?

To talk about the causes of recurrent IVF failures; There could be many reasons for this.

Couples who are constantly faced with negative results should be evaluated by the doctor from a wide window and the treatment should be started accordingly. The better the evaluation is done and the better technology is used, the higher the success rate will be.

The main causes of recurrent IVF failures can be listed as follows;

  • Impaired genetic structure of the obtained embryo, that is, unhealthy embryo transfer.
  • Embryo transfer from an unhealthy egg or sperm.
  • The drug protocols used during the treatment are not suitable for the patient.
  • Poor embryo development due to insufficient environment provided for embryo development.
  • The embryo's outer membrane thickens and fails to adhere.
  • Transferring a woman's uterus before it is ready for pregnancy
  • The inner wall of the uterus (Endometrium) is not at the desired level and necessary for pregnancy to occur.
  • Presence of formations such as polyps and fibroids that may prevent the embryo from attaching in the female uterus.
  • Adhesions that develop due to previous infections or procedures such as abortion.
  • Coagulation problems that may interfere with the development of the embryo.
  • Genetic or acquired immunological disorders in women.
  • Causes such as chocolate cysts are among the most obvious causes of recurrent IVF failures.

What Should Be Done in Recurrent IVF Failures?

Recurrent IVF failures can be caused by a single cause, or multiple reasons can cause failure. For this reason, couples should be evaluated from every situation and every problem that may cause failure should be eliminated.

In order to detect these problems, couples should be evaluated by passing very detailed tests.

First of all, it should be determined whether the couples who want to become parents have any genetic diseases that may prevent pregnancy. For this, chromosome analyzes, genetic coagulation problems and immunological studies should be done.

If there is a genetic problem in any of the couples, genetic screening should be performed for embryos undergoing IVF treatment, and healthy embryos should be detected before transfer. Embryos with a healthy genetic structure should be transferred. Again, it is an important step in obtaining quality eggs and sperm in order to increase success. Healthy cells selected with the high microscopic magnification method IMSI method will contribute positively to the embryo quality.

In addition, in order to prevent recurrent IVF failures, intrauterine disorders should be determined beforehand. For this, operations such as hysteroscopy or laparoscopy should be used.

Failure will continue unless the appropriate environment, that is, the uterus, that will allow the embryo to attach and develop, is not corrected. No matter how good quality embryos develop in treatment, it will not be possible to achieve pregnancy.

Finally, one of the most important causes of failure is stress. Especially in cases of recurrent IVF failures, couples are under great stress, which is one of the reasons for failure. At this point, it is undoubtedly a fact that getting psychological support for couples will increase the success rate.
The negative results of treatments, which are started with great hopes and material and moral sacrifices, are quite destructive for couples. Therefore, providing psychological support to couples in recurrent IVF failures should be considered among the factors that will increase success.

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