PRP Application in Decreased Ovarian Reserve

PRP (plasma rich platelet) is a liquid rich in cells that play a role in coagulation, which we call thrombocyte after the serum in our blood undergoes some processes.

Prof. Dr. Ulun ULUĞ
Written by Prof. Dr. Ulun ULUĞ. 0 comments 7558 views

PRP Application

PRP (plasma rich platelet) is a liquid rich in cells that play a role in coagulation, which we call thrombocyte after the serum in our blood undergoes some processes. PRP not only contains platelets, but also contains many growth factors. Growth factors in PRP cause cell proliferation or maturation of existing cells. It is used in many branches of medicine and provides regeneration in tissues.

Decreased Ovarian Reserve

Decreased ovarian reserve or popularly known as ovarian failure, the number of stem cells in the ovary is decreased. The reduced number of eggs negatively affects the potential for conception. Especially in IVF treatment, such patients do not respond adequately to the hormonal drugs we give to increase the number of eggs. Even if high doses are given, these patients either have no egg growth or are single.
As there are many causes of decreased egg reserve, no clear cause is found in approximately half of the patients. However, as women age, the number of eggs decreases.

Recent studies have shown that even in menopausal women who have completely stopped menstruation, there are still passively waiting egg cells. Due to the specific hormonal levels of the menopause period, these egg cells are not activated.

Cell growth and regeneration were observed in the tissue applied in PRP treatments. However, these tissues are mostly connective tissue. On the other hand, there is no connective tissue in the ovary, and the woman has egg stem cells located in the mother's womb. The characteristic of egg cells is that they have the function of having only one set of 23 chromosomes, compared to human cells that normally carry 23 pairs of chromosomes. Therefore, it is very difficult to convert a normal connective tissue cell into an egg stem cell, and extensive research has been done on this subject for years.

PRP Application in IVF Treatment

The purpose of PRP application in IVF treatment is the growth of the existing egg cells and their response to the drugs applied by multiplying. I have been using PRP in my practice to increase the thickness of the uterus thanks to the same mechanism. What is mentioned here is the introduction of PRP into the ovary. Since PRP is obtained from the patient's own blood, it is not allergic and does not cause harm.

PRP application is made in 2 different scenarios. The first is to increase the potential number of eggs in later treatments by applying while collecting the eggs developed during IVF treatment. The second is to apply directly to the patient who does not usually have egg growth.

PRP application is painless as it is a procedure performed under general anesthesia. The expected time for the eggs to be activated after PRP application is usually 2 months. During the follow-up, the blood AMH hormone levels are checked, as well as the basal antral follicle count by ultrasonography.

Since PRP is usually applied to patients with shrunken ovarian tissue, it is beneficial to have it done by an experienced physician.

We inject PRP into the ovarian tissue under ultrasonography with the needle we use during the egg retrieval (OPU) procedure. As PRP, not only the patient's serum, but also other growth factors are added to the serum. You can watch the video of the process in more detail on our youtube channel.

You can visit our Youtube page to get fast and accurate information on PRP application, personalized in vitro fertilization, gynecology, drug use trainings, and many more .

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