Personalized IVF

Recurrent IVF failures of many couples also come to an end with personalized IVF treatment. In this process, couples should consult a doctor who is an expert in the field and get support in this regard.

Prof. Dr. Ulun ULUĞ
Written by Prof. Dr. Ulun ULUĞ. 0 comments 8114 views

IVF is a stressful process for both couples. The biggest reason for this stress is worrying if it fails. Unfortunately, it is not possible for couples to start treatment that every trial will be successful. If they start the process with this situation in mind, they can be motivated for a treatment again without major disappointments.

In unsuccessful IVF trials, the previous treatment process should be evaluated very well by the physician, and a treatment plan should be made again in the most appropriate period when the psychological condition of the couple is good. At this point, the couples should start the procedures according to a new treatment plan determined by the physician without losing hope.

It should not be forgotten that the cause of infertility for each patient may be different. For example, some couples may have infertility in men, while others may have infertility in both women. For this reason, applying a treatment plan according to each couple's condition is an important criterion that increases success.

Success Increases With Personalized IVF Treatment!

For example; Transfers made with the embryo retention time determined by the personalized IVF doctor's planning increase the success at this point. Personalized IVF application has been a very important step, especially in recurrent IVF failures.

What causes repetitive attachment failures?

In case of not achieving a successful pregnancy despite the 3rd IVF attempt in couples, it is considered as repeated IVF failures.

Recurrent IVF failures should be evaluated in general. If even the slightest problem that may cause failure is eliminated, a step will be taken to achieve success.

Most common causes of recurrent IVF failures

  • Fibroids, polyps that make it difficult or prevent the attachment of embryos in the female uterus
  • Infections, inflammation and intrauterine adhesions,
  • Morphological disorders in the formation of the embryo, unhealthy embryo transfer
  • Subsequent or congenital coagulation disorders (thrombophiles) in women may prevent the embryo from attaching and developing.
  • One of the most important problems that prevent the attachment of the embryo is the uterine membrane. Transfer should not be made until the desired uterine wall thickness for embryo attachment is obtained, after this rate is evaluated very well by the doctor.

In order to increase the success rate in IVF treatment, the transfer time should be evaluated very well. For example; In some periods, the uterine membrane of the woman may be at the desired level for the embryo to attach, while sometimes it may be at a level that will cause the opposite result.

If there is recurrent IVF failure even though quality embryos are obtained, the underlying reason is probably the woman's endometrium, that is, the thickness of the uterine membrane. In such cases, it is necessary to determine the time of attachment with personalized in vitro fertilization treatment and methods.

It is very easy to detect this time thanks to the test called ERA “Endometrial Receptivity Array”. In practice, the uterine membrane sample taken from the expectant mother can be determined with the help of a computer program to determine whether it is suitable or not suitable for attachment.

Appropriate dates should be determined individually for each mother-to-be!

In couples who have tried IVF due to attachment, classical IVF treatment is started first. The resulting, good quality embryos are frozen and stored until the day of transfer. The patient's natural cycle is expected to determine the most accurate transfer day. During the menstrual cycle, the day when the LH hormone, which provides ovulation, increases. When the uterine membrane exceeds 7 mm, the appropriate time should be determined by taking a tissue sample and applying the ERA test.

According to the test, if the uterine membrane is suitable for attachment, it is expressed as receptive, otherwise it is expressed as non-receptive.

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