Intrauterine Stimulant (RIU) Treatment

Prof. Dr. Ulun ULUĞ
Written by Prof. Dr. Ulun ULUĞ. 0 comments 7697 views

Although IVF treatments have brought happiness to millions of infertile couples, it is not a definitive method. Although it varies from patient to patient, half of the success is achieved in IVF treatment. There are many underlying causes in patients who cannot conceive. The most common problem I encounter in practice is the inability to obtain sufficient quality embryos. There are many factors that affect the formation of quality embryos, as well as different treatment options.

Despite this, although the embryo quality is good in a group of patients, there is a problem in conceiving and implantation in the uterus occurs. Studies have shown that there should be synchronization between the uterus and the embryo. This synchronization is related to both the menstrual cycle and the immunological system of the uterus. In order for the uterus not to see a foreign body in the given embryo, it must secrete paracrine factors at different rates. Any inconvenience in this system adversely affects pregnancy. Intrauterine stimulant therapy is one of the treatments aimed at increasing the implantation mechanism.

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