How to Remove the Spiral?

Prof. Dr. Ulun ULUĞ
Written by Prof. Dr. Ulun ULUĞ. 0 comments 6137 views

What is a spiral?

The spiral is one of the most effective birth control methods. It is applied by placing a T-shaped tool in the uterus, which prevents the sperm from advancing towards the uterine wall. In this way, it prevents the sperm from reaching the egg and thus the formation of pregnancy.

Spiral has a very simple and easy application method done in outpatient clinic conditions. A speculum is used in the gynecological examination and this tool is inserted into the uterus after cleaning the vagina with an antiseptic solution. However, before the procedure, the patient should be examined and necessary controls should be made. The aim is to evaluate whether there is any discharge in the uterus, and if there is an existing symptom, to evaluate it with cultures and to treat it. After the treatment, uterine localization is evaluated and spiral application is started.

While the spiral application provides long-term protection, it is also preferred because it provides a very comfortable service for the person. After a long-term preservation duty, it is removed in line with the idea of renewal or pregnancy. The spirals are easily and painlessly inserted into the uterus and removed with the same principle.

Spiral removal process

The location of the spiral is confirmed by ultrasonography. Then the person is placed on the normal gynecological examination table. After the speculum is placed, the threads of the spiral are also clearly visible. By holding these threads, the spiral is pulled and removed. Then the speculum is removed and the procedure is completed. This whole process is a very simple application that takes 1-2 minutes. The person does not feel any discomfort or pain during the application.

If the spiral ropes cannot be reached

However, although it is rare, there may be a situation such as escaping or breaking the spiral threads into the uterus. Therefore, it will take some time to reach the spiral during the examination. In such cases, a very thin instrument is inserted into the uterus and the spiral is pulled and pulled. The person may feel some discomfort during the procedure. Because the application is different from the normal spiral removal process and takes longer. In some cases, it may not be possible to reach and remove the spiral. For this reason, it may be necessary to intervene with a camera device called hysteroscopy. Thanks to this method, the spiral can be easily removed. Although these interventions are very rare, they can happen. But in general, the threads are detected and the spiral is successfully removed.

If the spiral is detected in the abdomen

It is the situation where the spiral cannot be reached in ultrasonography controls (in the uterus) as a result of the spiral slipping from the uterus into the abdomen. For this reason, x-rays are taken in the abdomen and it is checked whether the spiral is between the abdominal organs. As a result of X-ray, the location of the spiral is determined and surgical intervention is required for its removal.

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