Genital Infections

Vaginal (genital) infections are more common in summer. With the increase in air temperature in summer, vaginal yeast infection increases due to the fact that the genital area remains moist.

Prof. Dr. Ulun ULUĞ
Written by Prof. Dr. Ulun ULUĞ. 0 comments 8147 views

Why do vaginal (genital) infections occur?

Most of the time, the fungi that are normally found in the vagina become active as a result of changes in the vaginal flora and infection may develop. The use of antibiotics, pregnancy, diabetes, and some diseases that cause suppression of the immune system also increase the risk. Synthetic clothes and tight trousers, which cause the genital area to remain moist in the summer, also increase the fungal infection. After the pool, these complaints increase a little more. Reason; It is not fungal contamination from the pool, but the activation of fungal spores that exist as a result of the chlorine in the pool water killing the beneficial bacteria in the vaginal flora.

What are the symptoms of vaginal infection? Is every itching, redness, or discharge a vaginal yeast infection?

The most common symptom in vaginal yeast infection; itching and burning sensation in the vagina. In this case, redness and edema occur in the external genital organs. The itching is very severe. So much so that due to scratching, abrasions and minor bleeding may occur on the skin of that area. These symptoms may be accompanied by mostly white, odorless, milky-like discharge. Burning during urination, tingling in the areas where the urine touches, and pain during sexual intercourse may also be experienced.

Vaginal (genital) infections: How should they be protected?

Do not wear synthetic underwear and tight clothing. Choose cotton and comfortable underwear. Change laundry twice a day. Wash the laundry with soap, not detergent, and iron it with a hot iron. Do not use normal soap or perfumed cosmetics for cleaning the genital area. You can clean it with soaps specially produced for this area. In summer, do not sit in wet swimsuits and bikinis to keep the genital area dry after the pool. Take a shower to get rid of chlorine after the pool.

Vaginal infection during pregnancy

Vaginal discharge is common in many pregnant women. This is normal and no treatment is needed. Vaginal infections require treatment.

What is bacterial vaginosis?

The most common type in expectant mothers. It comes out with a thin, gray, homogeneous, fish-like odor. Decreased lactobacilli in the normal flora. The disease is not transmitted through sexual intercourse. However, the early watering of the baby brings the risks of premature birth and intrauterine infection. It must be treated.

When does a fungal infection occur?

One of the reasons for the frequent occurrence of yeast infection is the changes in the pH of the vagina during pregnancy. If it is not the cause of the complaint, there is no need for treatment. If there are obvious complaints, local suppositories and creams that can be used by the expectant mother can be applied. In some cases, it may recur during pregnancy. It usually goes away after birth.

What is vaginitis, how does it pass?

The method of treatment is vaginal suppositories, creams and oral medications recommended by the doctor. With the treatment applied, the problems regress within 1-2 days. It occurs in 25% of pregnant women. Itching is accompanied by foul-smelling, frothy, yellow-colored discharge. If vaginitis is detected in the expectant mother, she should be treated immediately, as well as her spouses. It can increase the risk of premature hydration of the baby and premature birth.

Prevention methods

Pay attention to these when cleaning the vagina

You should do your vaginal cleaning from front to back. Because the infectious bacteria in the back can pose a threat to the vaginal entrance. This accelerates the increase in infection. In this case, we must follow the cleaning flow from front to back. Intimate cleaners can negatively affect the vaginal pH and pave the way for infections. For this reason, you only need to clean the outer area with clear water.

Underwear should not exceed 1 day

Since the genital area remains closed in our daily life, underwear needs to be changed every day in order to ventilate and to fulfill daily hygiene. The use of cotton underwear instead of nylon-containing underwear is important in preventing infections. Dryness and cleanliness in the genital area will help prevent infection.

Review cleaning products

As there may be different cleaning products for each skin, you should avoid cleaning products containing perfume. Although waxing or razor blade, which is an old and ongoing method, seems to be a practical and quick method for removing hair in the genital area, it will increase the inflammation due to irritation in the hair follicles. Therefore, using advanced methods will be more helpful in preventing inflammation.

What can I do to get rid of genital infections?

You should be careful not to wear tight clothes. Wearing cotton clothes will be better for the vagina to breathe. Be careful not to overdo it while showering and cleaning the genital area. This may disrupt the acid balance in the genital area. It can make the vagina unprotected and pave the way for the proliferation of microbes. Especially in summer, you should be careful not to sit in a wet bikini or swimsuit when leaving the pool or the sea.

Don't forget to use condoms in your relationships

Condoms will be useful to protect both parties in the relationship. Because such infections can be effective in sexual transmission. In addition, take care to change pads frequently during menstrual periods. Not changing for a long time may increase the rate of infection. Because the rate of bacteria will increase with blood density.

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