Genetic Diagnosis in Embryo (PGT - PGD)

Genetic diagnosis is one of the most beautiful developments that today's technology offers for us. These rapid developments in medical technology allow us to identify many problems that we have difficulty in explaining and produce solutions.

Prof. Dr. Ulun ULUĞ
Written by Prof. Dr. Ulun ULUĞ. 0 comments 6121 views

What is Genetic Diagnosis?

One of the best examples of this developing technology is the "genetic diagnosis in the embryo" method, which enables the determination of the health of the baby before pregnancy occurs.

Thanks to this method, it is possible to determine the state of health of the baby by examining the chromosomes while the baby is still in the state of a 7-8 cell embryo. Thus, thanks to this method, a diseased embryo with genetic problems can be placed in the uterus and an unhealthy baby can be prevented from the beginning.

In Whom Is Genetic Diagnosis (PGT or PGD) Applied in Embryo?

First of all, it is worth noting that this method cannot be done in cases where you are pregnant naturally. In other words, in order to make a genetic diagnosis (PGT or PGD) in the embryo, these embryos must be developed under laboratory conditions. In other words, in order to apply the method, couples must be treated with IVF.

Fertilization and embryo development are provided by combining the egg cell taken from the woman and the sperm cell taken from the man in the laboratory environment. And by applying special techniques to the developing embryos, their genetic structure is examined.

Since this technique will be very costly, this method is not applied to every couple undergoing IVF treatment. However, in couples with special risks, genetic diagnosis is applied in the embryo.

PGT or PGD in the embryo is usually;

It applies to couples with a history of disease, that is, a history of hereditary disorders. It is called a miraculous method for couples, especially in cases where unhealthy pregnancy occurs. Thanks to the method, healthy embryo transfer will be done, so the possibility of an unhealthy baby will be eliminated.

It is also a method used by couples who experience permanent pregnancy loss due to genetic incompatibilities or who have never achieved pregnancy.

Briefly, PGT or PGD method;

- Couples with a genetic condition.

- Those who are constantly experiencing unhealthy and anomaly pregnancies.

- Those with recurrent early pregnancy losses.

- Those who have shape anomalies in the egg or sperm cell.

- In recurrent tube failures

It is suggested by the doctor that it would be appropriate to make a genetic diagnosis in the embryo. The couples will give birth to a healthy baby, as these problems will be eliminated thanks to the genetic examination.

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Gynecology, In Vitro Fertilization pages.

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