Egg Collection

Egg collection is almost the last stage in IVF treatment before transfer. Before this process, these drugs are used for a certain period of time for the development of eggs at the dose determined by the doctor. After the eggs in the woman's reserve reach the desired size, an injection is given to help crack the eggs at the appropriate dose determined by the doctor, and egg collection is performed after 34 to 36 hours.

Prof. Dr. Ulun ULUĞ
Written by Prof. Dr. Ulun ULUĞ. 0 comments 6088 views

Egg collection is a very easy, painless and short-term procedure performed with the help of vaginal ultrasonography.

The application is made to the woman in the gynecological examination position. The woman who takes the examination position is covered with a sterile drape, and the vagina is cleaned in terms of hygiene and local anesthesia is applied to prevent the person from feeling pain. After the applied anesthesia, ultrasonography is prepared to show the way to be followed in egg collection and the ovaries are reached with the help of special needles. Samples taken with special aspirators from the ovaries that are reached are sent to the laboratory, and healthy egg cells are separated one by one and kept under appropriate conditions.

Yumurta Toplama

A woman has two ovaries, right and left, and the process of collecting eggs from both ovaries takes approximately 15 to 20 minutes. After the procedure, they can be discharged after a few hours of rest in special rest rooms, depending on the patient's condition.

In some cases, local anesthesia may be insufficient for patients. In such cases, it can be applied under general anesthesia as the doctor deems appropriate, instead of local anesthesia. In this way, difficulties to be experienced during the process will be prevented.

The egg collection process is also called the OPU process. The aspirated samples, ie the contents of the follicle, should be delivered to the laboratory as quickly as possible. The collected follicles are examined with the help of a special microscope, and the egg cells are separated and taken into a special liquid and taken to special places called incubators. These special areas, called the incubator, which are used for the preservation of eggs, serve to keep the temperature at 37 degrees, that is, similar to the female uterus, and the course of carbon dioxide. The collected eggs are preserved in these environments, which are closest to their natural environment, until they are ready for fertilization.

After Egg Collection OPU Process

  • Although it varies according to the patient's condition, it will be sufficient for the patient to rest at home that day after leaving the clinic after 1 hour.
  • Since the patient will be under the effect of anesthesia, they should not drive for a day.
  • It is recommended that they do not do heavy work that day unless there is an urgent need.
  • They may need to avoid heavy sports and exercise on the day of the procedure.
  • It is beneficial for the patient not to use cigarettes and alcohol on the day of the procedure or to minimize them.
  • There is no limit in eating and drinking.
  • Patients can take a bath with warm water the day after the procedure.
  • On the day of egg collection, sexual intercourse is not recommended to the patient.
  • Patients can use Paracetomol and derivative pain relievers if they feel any pain.

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Gynecology, In Vitro Fertilization pages.

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